15 March 2006

Great news on open content!

The Open University in the UK announced to make a selection of its learning materials available free of charge to educators and learners around the world. They are supported by a multimillion dollar grant of The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation the University. Indeed, this is really good news. Check the full press release on the Open Content Initiative.
This sort of reminds me of the farewell speech at the Open University in The Netherlands, given by the former president of the board, Thijs Wöltgens, in september 2005. He also promoted open (or free) content, but he also said that the OU needed around 12 million euro's to make it happen. That never happened, as far as I know.... Pity! Maybe the OU in The Netherlands can copy the proposal that the OU in the UK offered to The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation?

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