30 March 2006

Fascinating stuff: SUNY !!!

I have found some real recommended reading, while I was checking out the wiki that MIT has set up on their migration efforts from Stellar 1.7 to Stellar 2 (which will be Sakai under the hood!). This wiki is worth reading....
But what I found while browsing, was a reference to SUNY. And that is really really worth reading!!
Back in October 2005 the State University of New York (SUNY) put out a Request For Public Comment: "We are asking for your comments about the Educational Appropriateness, Technological Feasibility, Risks and Opportunities that you see in our plan, as well things we may have missed. (..) To this end, we are asking for your comments along with those of other SUNY and external stakeholders, including open source and proprietary providers."
Basically the plan they propose is to go Sakai all the way! Furthermore, the report states that their current homegrown Lotus Domino-based LMS solution is not fit for the future (performance is too much of a problem, when you serve 100.000 students). The report is very informative, to say the least. But what is even more fascinating, is that we all can read the public responses that were received. You will find responses from Blackboard, Angel, but also from Unicon and Charles Severance.
Definitely worthwhile to read. Please do!

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